Saturday, January 31, 2015

Literally cleaning out the pantry

It took two trips to the container store, two solid hours of work, and two garbage bags (the first one busted), but I have finally organized the spice cabinet and purged the pantry of all peanut products. Pardon the alliteration.

This spice cabinet project was like weeding and arranging a haphazard mess of a library (keeping my master's in library science handy). I found that turmeric and tarragon were particularly over-purchased as Nick bought at least three packages of each, thinking we had none.


And though it's been over a month since my baby girl was diagnosed with peanut allergy, I just got around to purging the cabinets of any peanut products. Our new rule is NO ONE brings peanut products into this house. Will I search the bags of visitors on the way through the door? If I have to.  Maybe I have to feel like a jerk, reminding the babysitter every time she comes over, but I will. I'm just learning how to deal with this issue, and I need as much control over the situation as possible until we feel comfortable with it. 

I threw away a mostly empty jar of peanut butter, a can of boiled peanuts, a bag of mixed nuts, a few boxes of questionable crackers.  I did NOT throw away a box Reese's peanut butter bar mix.  Tonight after Mamie is in bed, I will make the bars, eat what I want, throw the rest away, and say goodbye to an old favorite that is not worth the risk anymore.

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